Hasan Farsijani

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-02-27

Hasan Farsijani

Management And Accounting /

Journal Paper

  1. "Design of a Lean Distribution Model in the Electric Power Industry with a World-Class Approach"
    Roxana Radmaneshi, Farhad Hadinejad, Hasan Farsijani
    International Journal of Innovation Management and Organizational Behavior, Vol. 4, pp.11-19, 2024
  2. "Examining the electronic supply chain management to achieve world-class home appliance industry"
    Narges Akbari Jarnoush, Hasan Farsijani, Soheila Sardar, Saber Saati Mohtadi
    International journal of nonlinear analysis and applications, Vol. 15, 2024
  3. "Effective factors in evaluating tourism marketing performance"
    Neda Jalaliyoon1, Hasan Farsijani, Hamidreza Hamidzadeh3
    Smart Tourism, Vol. 4, 2023
  4. "Barriers to big data analytics (BDA) implementation in manufacturing supply chains"
    Amirhosein Dehkhodaei, Bahar Amiri, Hasan Farsijani, Abbas Raad
    Journal of Management Analytics, Vol. 10, pp.191-222, 2023
  5. "Designing an Electronic Supply Chain Management Model to Achieve a World-Class Home Appliance Industry"
    Narges Akbari Jarnoush, Hasan Farsijani, Soheila Sardar
    knowledge processing studies, Vol. 6, pp.76-90, 2023
  6. "A Hybrid Algorithm for Solving Vendors Managed Inventory (VMI) Model with the Goal of Maximizing Inventory Turnover in Producer Warehouse"
    Ahmad Beklari, Mohsen SHafie nickabadi, Hasan Farsijani, Ali Mohtashami
    Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Vol. 17, pp.570-587, 2018
  7. "Identification and prioritisation of AIDA promotion model tools by use of fuzzy AHP approach"
    Hasan Farsijani
    International Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 32, pp.92-113, 2018
  8. "Investigating the effect of green supply chain management on sustainable competitive advantage"
    Abbas Raad, Hasan Farsijani, Niloofar Ahi
    International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, Vol. 15, pp.501-512, 2017
  9. "Investigating the effect of Supply Chain Management on Sustainable Performance Focusing on Environmental Collaboration"
    BAHAREH ABBASI, Hasan Farsijani, Abbas Raad
    Modern Applied Science, Vol. 10, pp.115-126, 2016
  10. "The effect of quality of electronic banking services on agility of a bank"
    Hooman Poormohammad, Mostafa Zandieh, Hasan Farsijani
    management science letters, Vol. 6, pp.521-534, 2016
  11. "Ranking factors affecting the quality of banking services using analytic network process"
    Hooman Poormohammad, Mostafa Zandieh, Hasan Farsijani
    Decision Science Letters, pp.461-468, 2016
  12. "%Organization Agility model in marine transportation industry in Iran"
    Hasan Farsijani, Masood Kasaei, Mohammad Reza Hamidizadeh, Mohammad Sabeti
    International Business Management, Vol. 10, pp.1098-1105, 2016
  13. "Designing and Explanation of the Organization Aglity Model of Iran Ports Using Interpretive-Structural Modeling Techniques"
    Hasan Farsijani, Mohammad Reza Hamidizadeh, Masood Kasaei, Alireza Moatameni, Mohammad Sabeti
    International Business Management, Vol. 7, pp.1798-1804, 2015
  14. "The Strategic Factors of Knowledge Management Success in Achieving Organizational Agility on the Model (APQC)(Case study Automotive-Related Companies)"
    Somayeh Keshavarz, , Hasan Farsijani
  15. "Transportation cost in multi-item economic order quantity"
    Abbas Raad, , , Hasan Farsijani, Ghazale Sadidi
    International Journal of Business Management and Administration, Vol. 4, pp.8-16, 2015
    Hasan Farsijani,
    arabian journal of business and management review, Vol. 4, pp.326-336, 2014
  17. "Impact of E-Service Quality on E-Loyalty of Customers in the Area of E-Banking Services"
    Hasan Farsijani, Maryam Akhavan Kharazian, Mohammadhassan Ahmadi,
    Asian Journal Of Research In Marketing, Vol. 3, pp.123-132, 2014
  18. "Evaluation of advanced manufacturing technologies for world-class using analytical network process method"
    Hasan Farsijani, , Omid Amirtaheri
    World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, Vol. 11, pp.127-147, 2014
  19. "organizational processes performance measurement using ARIMA time series approach"
    Hasan Farsijani, ,
    asian journal of research in business economics and managment, Vol. 4, pp.367-380, 2014
  20. "Achieving World Class Manufacturing Through Leagile Manufacturing Applying Combination of AHP and TOPSIS"
    Hasan Farsijani, Sadegh Azizi, ,
    Applied Mathematics in Engineering Management and Technology, Vol. 2, pp.323-335, 2014
  21. "Presenting a Pattern to Determine Performance Evaluation Effect in achieving World Class Using SEM"
    Hasan Farsijani,
    Applied Mathematics in Engineering Management and Technology, Vol. 2, pp.563-577, 2014
  22. "the role of quality benchmarking deployment to world-class manufacturing"
    Davood Talebi, Hasan Farsijani, Fahimeh Sedighi,
    Quality Engineering, pp.207-2014, 2014
  23. "organizational intelligence and examination of its relationship with employees performance(case study supreme audit court)"
    , Hasan Farsijani,
  24. "the role of people systems in lean production in enhancing performance perceotions and work-related attitudes"
    Anahita Salari, Hasan Farsijani, Behrooz Dorinokorani, Mohammad Reza Hamidizadeh
  25. "ranking organizational factors influencing the success of information systems using AHP case study of industries and mines organization of Isfahan province"
    Hasan Farsijani, , ,
    International Journal of Social and Organizational Dynamics in IT, Vol. 2, pp.55-65, 2013
  26. "improvement of efficiency in product designing by usage of fuzzy QFD and TRIZ a case study on transfo company"
    Hasan Farsijani, Mohammadali Tarabandeh
    Journal of Applied Science and Agriculture, Vol. 4, pp.451-461, 2013
  27. "Design of Cellular Manufacturing using Mathematical Programming A Comparative Study with Simulation Modelling"
    Hasan Farsijani, mohsen shafiei nikabadi, Sara Foroutan
    International Journal of Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 6, pp.87-98, 2013
  28. "optimal selection of alternatives application of grey theory to value engineering"
    Hasan Farsijani, ALI ARDAVAN,
    International Journal of Emerging Technologyies in computational and applied sciencees, Vol. 5, pp.42-52, 2013
  29. "Sequence and Hierarchy of Leanness Factors in Supply Chain"
    Anahita Salari, Hasan Farsijani, Mohammad Reza Hamidizadeh, Behrooz Dorinokorani
    Applied Mathematics in Engineering Management and Technology, Vol. 4, pp.445-458, 2013
  30. "design of empowering model for small and medium enterprises"
    Hasan Farsijani, ,
  31. "Suppliers Selection for Sazeh Gostar Saipa Co. Using a Combination Approach of Analytic Network Process and Goal Programming"
    Hasan Farsijani, , Reza Malmir,
    international journal of applied logistics, Vol. 4, pp.14-35, 2013
  32. "A Multi Stage Decision Making Model to Evaluate Suppliers by Using MOLP and ANP in a Strategic Approach"
    Reza Malmir, Ehsan Hamzehei, Hasan Farsijani
    A Multi Stage Decision Making Model to Evaluate Suppliers by Using MOLP and ANP in a Strategic Appro, Vol. 2, pp.563-577, 2013
  33. "GA and ICA approaches to job rotation scheduling problem: considering employee's boredom"
    Ashkan Ayough, Mostafa Zandieh, Hasan Farsijani
  34. "GA and ICA approaches to job rotation scheduling problem-considering employee's boredom"
    Ashkan Ayough, Mostafa Zandieh, Hasan Farsijani
  35. "the role of TPM impact by world class tools"
    Hasan Farsijani, mohsen shafiei nikabadi, Fatemeh Mojibian
    International Journal of Agile Manufacturing, Vol. 11, pp.25-35, 2012
  36. "investigation of the key success factors in virtual tourism"
    , Hasan Farsijani,
    INDIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 5, pp.3073-3080, 2012
  37. "The role of production export barrier to achieve world-class case study: auto-part industry"
    Hasan Farsijani, mirza hassan hosseini, fatemeh shakhsian
    international journal of Management Perspective, Vol. 1, pp.57-73, 2012
  38. "A Simulated Annealing approach to optimize multi-products EPQ model with discrete delivery orders imperfect production processes and service level constraint"
    Hasan Farsijani, ,
    WORLD APPLIED SCIENCES JOURNAL, Vol. 16, pp.1142-1157, 2012
  39. "Using EB-QFD to achieve competitive advantages for world class manufacturing"
    , Hasan Farsijani,
    managment science letters, Vol. 2, pp.1947-1956, 2012
  40. "a method for identifying critical success factors of JIT implementation in different circumstances (case study appliance industry)"
    Hasan Farsijani, , Maryam Akhavan Kharazian,
    journal of supply chain management systems, Vol. 1, pp.1-9, 2012
  41. "Balancing of stochastic U-Type assembly lines-An imperialist competitive algorithm"
    Mahdieh Bagher, Mostafa Zandieh, Hasan Farsijani
  42. "The role of knowledge management for achieving to world-class manufacturing"
    Mohammad Reza Hamidizadeh, Hasan Farsijani
    The journal of American academy of business cambridge, Vol. 14, pp.210-217, 2008
  43. "The rule of organization s processes for achieving world-class manufacturind"
    Hasan Farsijani
    international journal of business and management, Vol. 2, pp.63-71, 2007
  44. ""
    Marzieh Afshari, Hasan Farsijani
  45. "Structuring the world-class after-sales service quality model in Iran's automobile industry with the Grand Theory approach"
    Saeid Madahi, ghanbar abbaspor esfeden, Hasan Farsijani, Majid Rostami bashmani
    Vol. 5, pp.101-131, 2024
  46. "Empowerment of export performance of sport products with the world class approach"
    Forough Mohammadi, Masoumeh Kalateh Seifari, Mohammad Hossein Razavi, Hasan Farsijani
    pp.1-37, 2024
  47. "Designing a Designing a Sustainable Production Model with Digital Transformation to Achieve World-Class Standards in the Pharmaceutical Industry to Achieve World-Class Standards in the Pharmaceutical Industry"
    Babak Heidari, Shahriari Mohammadreza, Kambiz Jalali Farahani, Hasan Farsijani
    Vol. 5, pp.173-209, 2024
  48. ""
    hassan jafary, Hasan Farsijani, ahmad vedady, mansour momeny
    Vol. 6, pp.141-150, 2023
  49. ""
    mohamadreza saeidi, Hasan Farsijani, farideh haghshenace
    Vol. 11, pp.285-307, 2023
  50. ""
    Gholamhossein Baghban, Abbas Raad, Hasan Farsijani, Davood Talebi
    Vol. 11, pp.149-167, 2023
  51. ""
    morteza marofani, Hasan Farsijani, gholamreza tavakoly, mohamad hosain karimy
    Vol. 107, pp.143-183, 2023
  52. "Investigating the Effect of Total Quality Management on the Performance of the Organization in the World Class with the Combined Method of DEMATEL and Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM)"
    ali ahmadi, omid bashardost, Hasan Farsijani
    Vol. 12, pp.1-38, 2023
  53. ""
    mohamadreza saeidi, Hasan Farsijani, farideh haghshenas
    international journal of Management Perspective, pp.231-259, 2023
  54. "design of production sustainability for car industry with world class approach"
    zahra pourvaziry, gholamreza hashemxadeh korasgani, Mahmood Modiri, Hasan Farsijani
    Vol. 14, pp.87-103, 2022
  55. ""
    Forough Forough Mohammadi1, Narges Narges Azam nezami2, Masoumeh Masoumeh Klateh Seyfari3, Mohammad Mohammad hossein Razavi4, Hasan Farsijani
    Vol. 2, pp.158-182, 2022
  56. "Drawing a roadmap to facilitate and accelerate the occurrence of technological catch-up in the Iranian petrochemical industry"
    Abolghasem Farsi1, Manouchehr Manteghi2, Hasan Farsijani, Changiz Valmohammadi4
    Vol. 16, pp.1-34, 2022
  57. "Analyzing the barriers to the optimal implementation of the performance"
    asgar yusefian, kambiz farahani, farzad haghighi, Hasan Farsijani
    Vol. 12, pp.199-220, 2022
  58. "Assessing the readiness to use blockchain technology in the National Iranian Gas Company"
    Hasan Farsijani, Ahmad Alah karam pour dill
    Vol. 3, pp.1-23, 2022
  59. ""
    alireza fazeli, Abbas Raad, maryam kademi, Hasan Farsijani
    Vol. 16, pp.98-112, 2022
  60. ""
    Abolghasem Farsi, Manochehr Manteghi, Hasan Farsijani, changiz Valmohammadi Emamchaei
    Vol. 15, pp.1-38, 2021
  61. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Mohsen Arefnejad, Somayeh Asadi, Ali Hasanvand
    pp.173-192, 2021
  62. ""
    seyed davood mirhabibi, Hasan Farsijani, Mahmood Modiri, Kaveh Khalili Damghani
    Vol. 18, pp.275-306, 2020
  63. ""
    neda jalalion, Hasan Farsijani
    Vol. 17, pp.79-98, 2020
  64. ""
    F. Mohammadi1 F. Mohammadi1, Masoumeh Kalateh Seifari, S. M. Razavi3 S. M. Razavi3, Hasan Farsijani
    Vol. 8, pp.69-84, 2019
  65. ""
    Mahmood Khajehpour, Hasan Farsijani, Aldar Sedaghat parast
    pp.61-81, 2019
  66. ""
    Mahmood Khajehpour, Hasan Farsijani, Masood Rabieh, sedaghatparast eldar
    Vol. 12, pp.135-158, 2019
  67. ""
    Alireza Monadi Sefidan, Davood Talebi, Akbar Alamtabriz, Hasan Farsijani
    pp.157-177, 2018
  68. ""
    Seyed Davoud Mirhabibi, Hasan Farsijani, Mahmood Modiri, Kaveh Khalili Damghani
    Vol. 10, pp.101-120, 2018
  69. ""
    Mahrouz Iraji, Ahmadreza Ghasemi, Hasan Farsijani, Rasoul Sanavifard
    pp.75-96, 2018
  70. ""
    seyed davod MIRhabibi, Hasan Farsijani, mahmod modiri, kaveh khalili damghani
    Vol. 8, pp.98-115, 2018
  71. ""
    Alireza Monadi Sefidan, Davood Talebi, Akbar Alamtabriz, Hasan Farsijani
    Vol. 12, pp.157-177, 2018
  72. ""
    Vol. 16, pp.125-140, 2018
  73. ""
    Vahid Heydarpoor, Mostafa Zandieh, Hasan Farsijani, Masood Rabieh
    Vol. 2, pp.109-132, 2017
  74. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Neda Jalalion, Mohsen Mardani
    pp.37-66, 2017
  75. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Abbas Raad, Mina Aghaei
    Vol. 16, pp.43-57, 2017
  76. ""
    Hamidreza Talayi, Akbar Alamtabriz, Hasan Farsijani
    Vol. 15, pp.1-26, 2017
  77. ""
    Hosseinali Naghibi, Hasan Farsijani, Masood Kasaei, Mostafa Zandieh
    Vol. 1, pp.167-186, 2017
  78. ""
    Hasan Farsijani
    pp.127-146, 2016
  79. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Dehghan Ehsan
    pp.45-65, 2016
  80. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Ahmad Baklari
    Vol. 8, pp.99-120, 2016
  81. ""
    Hasan Farsijani
    pp.63-81, 2015
  82. ""
    Seyed Hadi Mirghaderi, Akbar Alamtabriz, Hasan Farsijani, Farhad Farzad
    Vol. 13, pp.1-21, 2015
  83. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Maryam Akhavan Kharazian, Mohammadmahdi Shahbazi
    pp.73-97, 2015
  84. ""
    Hasan Farsijani,
    Vol. 4, pp.91-120, 2014
  85. ""
    Anahita Salari, Hasan Farsijani, Mohammad Reza Hamidizadeh, Behrooz Dorinokorani
    Vol. 18, pp.127-148, 2014
  86. ""
    , Mostafa Zandieh, Hasan Farsijani, Behrooz Dorinokorani
    Vol. 4, pp.33-59, 2014
  87. ""
    mohammad mahmoudi maimand, Hasan Farsijani,
    pp.123-143, 2013
  88. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Mohammadali Tarabandeh
    Vol. 5, pp.103-120, 2013
  89. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Mohammadhassan Ahmadi
    Vol. 7, pp.77-93, 2013
  90. ""
    Akbar Alamtabriz, Hasan Farsijani, Farhad Farzad, Seyed Hadi Mirghaderi
    Vol. 3, pp.35-55, 2013
  91. ""
    Hasan Farsijani
    Vol. 4, pp.13-27, 2013
  92. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Maryam Akhavan Kharazian,
    Vol. 5, pp.135-150, 2013
  93. ""
    Mohammad Reza Hamidizadeh, Hasan Farsijani,
    Vol. 2, pp.35-60, 2013
  94. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, ,
    pp.29-45, 2012
  95. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Mostafa Fatahi Sanadi,
    pp.27-48, 2012
  96. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, ali falahhoseini
    pp.25-44, 2012
  97. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Somayeh Keshavarz Dastak
    Vol. 11, pp.19-38, 2012
  98. ""
    Hasan Farsijani,
    pp.99-122, 2012
  99. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, sahar kosari, marjan etemadi
    pp.11-18, 2012
  100. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Manijeh Ghareche, ,
    pp.15-42, 2012
  101. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, ,
    Vol. 10, pp.47-64, 2012
  102. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, ,
    Vol. 10, pp.71-92, 2011
  103. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, ,
    Vol. 4, pp.89-108, 2011
  104. ""
    Hasan Farsijani,
    Vol. 3, pp.99-112, 2011
  105. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, ,
    Vol. 3, pp.115-132, 2011
  106. ""
    Hasan Farsijani,
    Vol. 2, pp.15-38, 2011
  107. ""
    Hasan Farsijani,
    Vol. 2, pp.75-94, 2011
  108. ""
    Hasan Farsijani
    Vol. 22, pp.10-11, 2011
  109. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, ,
  110. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, m.h arman, alireza h.b, azam jalili
    Vol. 1, pp.39-56, 2011
  111. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, ,
    Vol. 14, pp.165-184, 2011
  112. ""
    Hasan Farsijani,
    pp.151-168, 2009
  113. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Amirkamran Kiamehr
    Management Perspective, pp.5-28, 2008
  114. ""
    Hasan Farsijani
    pp.29-32, 2005

Conference Paper

  1. "the role of TPM impact by world-class tools"
    Hasan Farsijani
    8th.International Conference on Researches in Science & Engineering & 5th.International Congress on Civil, Architecture and Urbanism in Asia, 2024
  2. "An Explanation of the Role of Social Responsibility in Achieving World Class Economic Agencies"
    Hasan Farsijani,
    2nd international conference on new challenges in management and business, pp.181-181, 2015
  3. "main HRM aspects of different layout designs and its impacts on staff s motivation"
    Hasan Farsijani,
    international conference on asia pacific business innovation and technology management, 2011
  4. "International Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation & Technology Management"
    Hasan Farsijani
    international conference on asia pacific business innovation and technology management, 2011
  5. "aligning operation and quality management strategy for small and medium sized enterprizeds"
    Hasan Farsijani
    8th SMEs, 2011
  6. "The role of agility for archieving world-class technology in competitive life cycle"
    Hasan Farsijani
    WCSET 2009 ( world congress on science engineering and technology ) - proceedings of world academy of science engineering and technology, 2009
  7. ""
    Fatemeh Noori, Hasan Farsijani
    , No 2 , pp.1-6, 2023
  8. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, hakak mohamad, hosaini nayeh hosaini nayeh
    9th international conference on management and humanistic science research in Iran, No 1400 , pp.1-22, 2022
  9. ""
    Mahdieh Khani chimeh, Hasan Farsijani
    , 2021
  10. ""
    ZAREIE LATIFEH, Hasan Farsijani
    17th International Management Conference, 2020
  11. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Latifeh Zareie
    17th International Management Conference, pp.1-32, 2020
  12. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Ehsan Ahad motlagh, Mina Shirzadi
    , 2020
  13. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Reza Ehtesham Rasi, Nasrin Ghazi Pour
    , 2018
  14. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Seyed davood Mir Habibi
    , pp.1-9, 2018
  15. ""
    Hasan Farsijani,
    , pp.1-18, 2018
  16. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Sona Farokhi
    , 2018
  17. "Corporate Social Responsibility Human Resource Policies in World Class Organization"
    Hasan Farsijani, Neda Jalalilion
    , 2018
  18. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, ZAHRA EBRAHIMI, Reyhaneh Keshavarz
    , 2018
  19. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Hojat Mir Azizi,
    , pp.1-31, 2018
  20. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Seyed Davoud Mir Habibi
    , 2018
  21. "a Look at the development of science of sustainable production management"
    Hasan Farsijani, Mahrooz Iraji, Ahmad Reza Ghasemi, Rasoul Sanavi Fard
    , 2018
  22. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Del Aram Amir Mostofian
    , 2018
  23. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Mohammad Ali Torabandeh
    , 2018
  24. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Ebrahim Aziri
    , 2018
  25. ""
    Shima Golipoor, Hasan Farsijani, AMir Barati
    , 2018
  26. ""
    Ahmad Beklari, Hasan Farsijani, Mohsen Shafeye Nikabadi
    , 2018
  27. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Bahman Tahmasebi, Hanif Amiri
    , 2018
  28. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Seyed davood Mirhabibi, Alireza Rahimi mahmoodabadi
    , 2018
  29. ""
    Anahita Sadeghi Saboor, Soodabeh Jafarzadeh, Hasan Farsijani
    , 2018
  30. "Identifying and Explaining Effective Indicators for World Class Universities"
    Hasan Farsijani, Neda Jalalyoon
    , 2018
  31. "Improvement Of Efficiency In Product Designing To Reach World Class Competency By Using Of QFD TRIZ"
    Hasan Farsijani, Mohammad Ali Torabandeh
    , 2018
  32. ""
    Mohammad Sabeti, Hasan Farsijani, Masood Kasaei
    , 2018
  33. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Afshin Heydarizadeh
    , 2018
  34. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Shahram Bahiraye, Mostafa Tashat, Amir Sheydaye
    , 2018
  35. ""
    Morteza tanhafar, Hasan Farsijani
    , 2018
  36. ""
    Mohammad Sabeti, Hasan Farsijani, Alireza Moatameni
    , 2018
  37. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Mostafa Tehrani, Shahram Bahiraye
    , 2018
  38. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Mohamadsadegh Horri, Seyed amir Hosseini
    , 2018
  39. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Majid Ashoori, Kazem Molaye
    , 2018
  40. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Akram Ali kazemi
    , 2018
  41. ""
    mahdieh Emami, Hasan Farsijani
    , 2018
  42. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Masoomeh Kalateh, Seyed Razavi, Foroogh Mohamadi, Nariman Rahmani
    , 2018
  43. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Mohadeseh Mohamadi
    , 2018
  44. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Abbas Raad, FAHIME MOLAEI SABER
    , 2017
  45. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Abas Baratloo, Farokh Taloohoseini, Saeed Noorian, Habib Karari
    , pp.1-16, 2016
  46. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Ebrahim Aziri
    , 2016
  47. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Mostafa Tehrani
    , 2016
  48. ""
    Hasan Farsijani
    , 2015
  49. ""
    Hasan Farsijani
    , 2015
  50. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Abasali Hajikarimi
    , 2015
  51. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Abasali Hajikarimi
    , 2014
  52. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Somayeh Keshavarz Dastak,
    , 2014
  53. ""
    Mohammadhassan Ahmadi, Hasan Farsijani, Maryam Akhavan Kharazian
    , 2014
  54. ""
    Mohammadhassan Ahmadi, Hasan Farsijani
    , 2014
  55. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Somayeh Keshavarz Dastak
    , 2014
  56. ""
    Hasan Farsijani, Sasan Mazaheri
    , pp.12-14, 2013
  57. ""
    Hasan Farsijani
    , pp.1-9, 2012
  58. ""
    Hasan Farsijani,
    با تاكيد بر بهره وري, 2012
  59. ""
    Zahrasadat Bahreynian, Hasan Farsijani,
    , 2011
  60. "modeling an EPQ with service level constraint and employing reworks"
    Hasan Farsijani,
    , No 8 , 2010
  61. ""
    Hasan Farsijani
    , 2010
  62. ""
    Hasan Farsijani
    , 2009
  63. "by the international conference on intellectual capital management (IICM2009) is presented to"
    Hasan Farsijani
    , 2009
  64. ""
    Hasan Farsijani,
    3rd international conference on leading companies and world trade, 2008
  65. "Identification and ranking of factors effective in make-to-order to reach in World Class (CROUSE)"
    Hasan Farsijani
    The 7nd Annual Congress of Iranian Society of Metallurgical Engineers, pp.1-19, 2003
  66. "The effect of open innovation on organizational agility capabilities and its role in organizational performance (Case Study: Saipa Automobile Company)"
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